This mod is compatible with the latest patch (version 1.30).Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If I don't reply, you're allowed to upload an updated version, if you credit me as its author and link to the original mod. I will do what I can to keep this mod up-to-date if the mod is out-of-date for several months or more, I encourage you to contact me. It might be incompatible with earlier versions of the Sims 4 if your game isn't up-to-date, use at your own risk.

Notice that this mod conflicts with my Retuned metabolism - Natural metabolism part 3 mod, for the simple reason that Retuned metabolism includes woohoo as exercise too. Apply changes, quit and restart the Sims 4, and enjoy ! Start the Sims 4 and enable custom content and mods in Game options - Other. I don't have all expansion packs and game packs, so I can't mod all woohoo locations.

Notice however that only base game woohoo has been modded : in bed, in the telescope, in the rocket ship, and in the hot tub. Woohoo and try for baby both count as exercise, and all woohoo locations have been modded to induce about the same weight loss and muscle gain. Contrary to workout equipment, don't count on it to make overweight sims skinny or to give them a six-pack, unless if you're very patient, but it will help keeping them in good shape. Not only this, but in a more progressive and slower way than at the gym. You can now count on bedroom sports to keep your sims in good shape ! Woohoo will now help your sims lose weight and gain muscle mass. What does this mod change to the sims' behavior ? The foods they eat make them gain weight, and they can't eliminate all those extra calories any other way. Yes, now your sims can be healthier with practicing regular woohoo !Įxpect to have to make your sims exercise to make them lose weight or build muscle. And it's even better if they're bedroom activities ? Tired of needing a treadmill to make your sims lose weight ? Want to find more fun activities to make your sims lose weight and build muscle, and with less radical results ?.